Evidence* from CBB programming indicate that virtual global learning offers a significant degree of intercultural skill development for students. Through virtual interactions with students or community members in locations around the globe, students gain in-depth knowledge about the culture, perspectives, and lives of others.
Communicating and collaborating with those with different cultural backgrounds forces students to make sense of cultural differences, much like during in-person international travel. Moreover, well designed global learning modules enhances the in-classroom course-based learning of students, as they tap into experts of the subject matter
from across the globe.
*Reports of growth captured from pre & post IES assessment can be provided.
CBB is collaborating with the wide range of communities and subject matter experts in their networks to offer high impact virtual global learning experiences to all faculty.
Culture Beyond Borders, LLC will provide intercultural competency (IC) presentations with pre/post IES (Intercultural Effectiveness Scale) assessments, and a focus developing IC attribute to enhance future professional endeavors for students.
CBB stands for a future where international travel and intercultural understanding is commonplace. We believe that our best hope for a more compassionate and accepting world lies in cross-cultural collaborations. Moreover, we believe in promoting the African continent and diversifying global education opportunities through Africa. In the wake of numerous global challenges, sticking to our pledge to advance intercultural understanding seems to us as important as ever.
It is the values and principles we stick to in difficult times, not easy times, that really define who we are.
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